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Oh,men,wish it's ported into mobile device.

(2 edits) (+1)

for a quick fix, it is not too shabby. I would suggest some reactionary dialogue from each character during their sessions, but I have to say I am quite impressed with what is already available. the skin texture and skin tones of your character models come off as surprisingly realistic. but is quite obvious that there are currently only three specific character choices so far, so I would also like to suggest adding a bit of dialogue that lets the player know when their client has reached their personal limit. again these are only suggestions, and so far I have no other real concerns. you have done an excellent job on this. keep up the good work. ^ ^

Hi! I love your work! i have some suggestions, maybe you could start with her wearing clothes instead of on the bare bottom right away, She can start with various articles of clothing (Shorts, Pants, etc) then you can make her take them off and spank her over her panties, repeating the process till you make her go bare, just a suggestion, I would be honored if you could respond

Hey, interesting thought,
Don't know if I can manage smooth and nice animation of the undressing process. It needs to be good, otherwise it could break the "magic" of the moment.
But something like short fade out/fade in could work for that purpose.
I'll think about this for some of the future mini-projects.
Thanks for your comment!

(2 edits)

Hey yeah good idea! I was thinking of a sort of fade in/fade out anyways, I know coding and programming animations aren't easy but apart from that thanks for taking my suggestion into consideration! I also forgot to mention that i'd love to see a game like Dallies but we have the options of different positions like Over The Knee (like in Red Only but from the spanker's perspective). Oh and how long do these games take to make?

Under a month, usually, process being stretched though, need to find time.

Hey there! long time no talk. I just came by here to ask you what assets you were using for the models? Thanks!

bro i don't have money but if i had i would definitely help, people like you makes the world better ;)

Thanks a lot!

Deleted 1 year ago

Thank you

why tho

why not



a dog!